Sunday, February 10, 2013

Less than 2 Months!!

Our wedding site, how beautiful is this?!!

Chris has been reminding me lately that I have not posted anything on here in a very long time. So, I am going to give a wedding update. We are now just 52 days away from our trip to Jamaica, and 55 days away from our wedding! I am trying to make sure we are getting everything done that needs to be done. We’re almost there, I still need me dress alterations, Chris’s wedding ring and a few minor items finished/bought.

We came close to missing the deadline for getting our documentation sent in for our marriage license. Since we booked our trip/wedding almost a year ago, I couldn’t remember what we did do and what we didn’t do. Apparently, we did not fill out the application for our marriage license, to make our wedding legal. We found this out on the Friday evening of my college girl’s weekend for my bachelorette/shower/birthday celebration. We needed to have our application sent in, along with a notarized copy of each of our birth certificates. This had to be received in the Sandals/Beaches Miami office at least 60 days before our arrival in Jamaica. We had just 8 days, 5 business days, to get our birth certificates copied/notarized and delivered to the Miami office. This was a little stressful, considering if it was not received in time the resort would not perform our wedding. Also, Chris did not have a copy of his birth certificate so he had to make time to visit the office of vitals downtown to get his birth certificate. He was also, of course, out of town until Monday evening. Thankfully, it all worked out. He got his certificate on Tuesday, I had mine notarized and we overnighted it down to the Miami office. PHEW!!

As I mentioned earlier, my college girl friends organized a shower/bachelorette/birthday weekend for me here in Charlotte. This was the last weekend in January, and we had such a great time! It is so fun to get together with these girls; it is always like no time has passed when we all hang out, just like old times! Catherine, Jaime and Kara planned the fun-filled weekend, it was perfect! Jess flew in on Wednesday from Colorado, Kara flew in Thursday from Ohio, Beth flew in Friday from Long Island, Shannon from Chicago and Faz from NJ (she almost didn’t make it with the blizzard we were getting in Charlotte :))

We started the weekend with a home cooked chicken parmesan dinner at Catherine’s house, hanging out and catching up with some wine, of course. (Thanks to Catherine’s husband, Matt, for sponsoring us with endless wine this weekend!) Saturday morning, a group of us headed out to get a cold run in before the festivities began. They had a shower for me during the day, followed by a little flip cup outside and then a trip to the bowling alley for food and a couple games. After that we came back to Catherine’s house and got ready to go dancing uptown! It was such a great weekend and I’m so thankful for all my friends who planned the weekend, flew down to Charlotte to celebrate with me, and my friends in Charlotte who came over/out to celebrate with us all!

I think everything else is on track, we’re getting very excited! We have 25 guests coming to celebrate our wedding with us in Jamaica! All the minor details are taken care of, and we are getting anxious!!

I have been slowly working on my bouquet for the wedding, it is almost done. I started this project last year, after seeing a picture of a similar bouquet on Pinterest. I just hope it all stays intact on the flight to Jamaica!

Our dining room table has turned into my crafting table!

I saw these shoes as soon as I walked into the store and fell in love with them right away. I love these shoes, and am excited to wear them with my wedding dress!

My wedding band came in as well!

I would post a picture of my dress, but guess I shouldn’t do that before the wedding. I love it! Will post pictures after the wedding!

Other than that, we have been busy doing work in and around our house. Chris and I took a trip to Greenville, SC last weekend to celebrate both of our birthdays together. We took Flat Stanley with us as well (for Alex's classroom.)

We stopped at Crowder's Mountain on the way home to hike!

Life has been treating us well this year, so excited for April 6th!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
