My new running shoes |
It has been busy as usual around here. This was an eventful week. We had new bedroom furniture delivered, Chris bought me a brand new pair of Newton running shoes, I ran a 5k, Chris joined It Works as a distributor and some of my girlfriends here in Charlotte through me a bridal shower with wine tasting!
As I sit here writing this on my couch, I have an It Works ‘Ultimate Body Applicator’ wrap on my stomach. Chris joined on as a distributor for a company called It Works. Our friend Lisa has been a distributor for the past year and has really enjoyed this company and growing her business over the past year. I am not going to go into detail on this blog post about the company, as I am still learning, but I am trying their body contouring wrap to help tone my mid section before our wedding. I have seen and read great results from these wraps, so hoping it helps! I will post more about this, and maybe even some pictures once I finish using them. I am going to do one wrap a week over the next four weeks. I also have been taking their Greens each day as a supplement, and do find these give me more energy. More on all of this in a later post.
Me with my wrap underneath my shirt (and new running shorts!) |
A couple weeks ago Chris and I went to Rooms to Go to purchase a new bedroom set for our bedroom. This took a long time to agree on which set we liked the best. We finally agreed on a sleigh bedroom set, with a dresser, two nightstands and bed frame, along with an area rug. We chose a delivery date two weeks from when we purchased. The night before the scheduled delivery date, their customer service department called us to inform us that they do not have the headboard for our bed, it will not be in until the end of the month, BUT they were going to give us some sort of loaner piece so the bed could still be put together. We were not very happy about this, but this stuff happens, what can you do? They arrived on time, but I was informed that the bed would stay in the boxes until the headboard is delivered. Basically the loaner piece they told us about was just bed rails to hold the mattress, which we already have. So, now we have to keep these 3 large boxes containing our bed frame in our room until March 23rd. We have been sleeping in our guest bedroom, which is nice and cozy, so I don’t mind so much.
New bedroom furniture minus the bed! |
I signed up for a 5k on Saturday to run as part of my long run of 15 miles. I normally do not like 5ks, but I knew it was a good way to get some speed work in as part of my long run. There was a 5k at McAlpine which worked out perfect, because my friend Amy was planning on running 20 miles there that morning, so she could meet me at the finish of the race to run my remaining 10 miles. This 5k was called ‘Run Jen Run.’ All the money raised from the race was going to the ‘Go Jen Go’ foundation. As stated on their website; The GoJenGo Foundation is a non-profit institution dedicated to providing financial assistance and emotional support to individuals and families, in North and South Carolina, who are battling breast cancer.
The race had a great turnout, 532 participants for its first year! It was run on the cross country course, which I had never run before. I run at McAlpine a good bit, but I always have avoided the hill. Chris and I ran the hill as part of our two mile warm up, and I didn’t think it was so bad; it’s steep, but short. The downhill was the worst part for me. It is pretty steep going down, so I naturally slowed myself down because I felt like I was going to fall. I did not do much better with this downhill in the race either!
I really didn’t have a plan for this race, just knew that I wanted to feel good through it so I could finish my ten miles after feeling good. I have only done a hand full of 5k’s, ever, so I don’t really know how to race these or run these as a workout. I decided that I should stay in the 7:20-7:30 range for the first two miles, and run faster for the last mile. I felt really good in the first mile; I clocked a 7:17, for this mile, feeling really relaxed and having fun. The next mile included the up and down hill, this mile was clocked at a 7:24, the last mile I did in a 7:09. I got passed at the very end by some woman who came out of nowhere. Chris never even saw her behind me through the whole race. I finished in 22:17 and got 1st place in my age group. The best part was that I felt great and really relaxed through the whole race. Amy met me at the finish and we ran 10 miles to complete m 15 mile run for the day and her 20 mile run. It was fun, and even snowed, a good bit, on us!
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5k Start My 5k finish |
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Amy and I in the middle of our run, soaked from the snow! |
The best part about this morning was something that happened right before the race. Chris and I just finished our warm up and went to the bathroom before heading to the start of the race. There were a 2 woman waiting on their two friends in the stalls when I got there. One of them saw my Charlotte Running Company WWC trail race sweatshirt and asked if I ran that race. I told her I didn’t do it this year, but I did last year. She also said how she liked my bright Newton running sneakers. Their other two friends came out of the stalls and I went into mine, as they continued to talk in the bathroom. I figured they were just in there staying warm before the race. I came out and asked them if the race started at 9, which I was pretty sure it did and we had about 10 minutes. They said yep, we have plenty of time. So, I went to wash my hands and one of them said “I promise we’re not creepers, but we want to give you something,” she continued to say how they are Lulu Lemon girls and have a new pair of running shorts for me. This made my day!! So exciting, what are the chances?! I felt a little embarrassed since I was wearing a pair of competitor shorts, but one of the girls told me she actually was as well. They said they didn’t expect me to wear them in the race, but wanted me to have them and try them out. What are the chances of that?! A $54 pair of brand new running shorts just for visiting the bathroom before a race!
After returning home, showering and eating lunch, Chris drove me down to Amy’s house for a bridal shower/wine tasting party for me! I figured since we were sampling many wines, it would be best for Chris to drive me. My friends put this shower together and had a wine tasting scheduled with a rep from a home wine tasting company. It was so much fun learning about the different types of wine and food to pair with different wines. It’s always good to hang out with the girls as well! This was so much fun!!
All in all, this has been a fun week/weekend. As I am sitting here, I see the clock and realize I have left this wrap on a little too long. So, I better go take this off and see if there are any instant results! Results are supposed to take place over the next 72 hours. Will keep you updated. For the rest of the day we have plans to visit Lowes, and plant bulbs! Snowed yesterday, gardening today, such strange weather we have here!
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